The Story so far...
Every person in society is faced with the fact that very few of their interests converge with the rest of the societal members they inhabit planet Earth with, nor do they conflict to such a degree that one can find a meaningful pattern and utilise that as a tool to exit or alter these worlds. In response to this, our world is founded on cycles, spirals, and feedback loops that aim to hack radical communication in order to produce functional equilibrium. At present, this socio-cultural information matrix seems to be at a leaky breaking point and so alternative universes, bodies and contact points seem more desirable even to the most hardened rational thinker.
In this world, where paranoia reinforces structure, and control technology establishes the program for reality, The Waxing was allegedly birthed.
Months ago, the morning after…the longest day of the year, a nascent starseed brood swarmed together “aiming not simply to debunk norms and truths but also to invent structural and systematic models of alien complexity”(1). Human flesh was consensually spilt over a stereo-lithographically printed haruspex and together between the bloody washes and oozing plasma they sculpted a novel arrangement, a hyper sigil of representational mazic media, by sampling splinters of culture that spoke to the complexity and pluralisms they wanted to conjure. Through twisted time systems they created contact points that oozed, synthesising a primer for earthbound aliens, downloading rhizomatic networks of autonomous narratives, that straddled a decentralised ebb of information from this 3D flow, they found a gateway amongst the data refuse they nicknamed it “The Waxing”.
They scrawled over their social networks “it will open on 26.10.22, 24 hours after the partial solar eclipse and new moon scaffold the sky of Berlin, places are limited but open for all…”
The Waxing was an intertextual release of alien adage packaged through a series of cosmic acts, inside a quasi-physical Xenophilic-Theatre, a Planetarium as apport engineered by Omsk Social Club and Joey Holder.
Pulsating from (( ))hole fictions a narrative begins to emerge that explores and studies the notion of embodied knowledge, collective hallucinatory fictioning and communing with aliens. The work requires an semi-active presence from the viewer as the controlled opposition between fact and fiction begin to loosen, questioning the link between supernatural and the real, underscoring the central importance and political significance of the social imagination in earthbound-alien worlding, beyond both the cyborg and the machine.
The event was accessible through two different sediments paths of immersion;
Deepest Level includes a workshop prior to The Waxing that will hone your tools of enhanced interpersonal sensitivity, somatic insight and alien perception to find maximum radical sociability when controlled with care in the Xenophilic-Theatre during The Waxing.
Ground Level prior to the event spend 23 mins listening to a track to condition your sensory organs for the journey.